Northwest Stock Car Racing is a collection of photos and memorabilia from the Northwest Stock Car Racing Circuit.

This collection was put together by NASCAR drivers Don Hall and Gordy Rivenburg. It covers over thirty years of great northwest stock car racing history,from the 1940’s- 1980’s.

We have labeled as many of the photos as possible. I f a picture has just a car number, that means we don’t have a name or location If you recognize a car or a driver in any of these photos please contact us. Like wise if you see a mistake. This site is an on going project and it will be updated and improved upon on a regular basis. Any and all in put is welcome.

About the quality of the photos; these photos were all taken before digital cameras were invented. They have survived many years of storage and being handled and admired by mechanics and car enthusiasts They have all been restored as best as possible and are here preserved in digital format.