Contact Us

I’m Christine Nyland, the web designer behind this site and I am very sad to say that Don Hall has passed.

About 20 years ago, I started this site as part of a college project. My friend Don Hall had a box of old racing photos. I started with just a few photo’s and I began to realize that these photos were rapidly deteriorating and fading. The tracks were being built over and the old drivers from the great muscle car era were passing away. Which meant that a part of history would be lost. So Don and his friend Gordy Rivenburg began contacting their friends and getting their old photos and I began scanning and restoring them. I have to say I was a bit overwhelmed by the response as well as the span of years covered. If you notice a mistake or you can identify a person, car, driver or track, please contact me.

I can be contacted at


If you enjoyed this site, you can help us keep it running or just buy us a cup of coffee.


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